Swimming CSS Test Jan 13th

Sat, 16th Jan 2016 - 11:51 p.m.

Hi all,
I have crunched the numbers, and reviewed the video for all your splits from the test on Wednesday.

A huge well done again for your efforts - these tests are never easy, and not normally that fun, but you all gave it 100% and turned out great performances.

The importance of this is that we now have good data to plan the next phase of your swim training.

Please follow the link here http://1drv.ms/1OpbPZv to view the test results. If you want a copy, or more information, please feel free to comment here, or email me at tristan.matthews@outlook.com

An explanation of what we are trying to achieve by working to these times is here http://1drv.ms/1nqnJcB Essentially, we will use these times to increase your overall speed by building your swim fitness and working on pacing.

Well done again, Tristan.
Remember, 7 days without swimming makes one weak!!

Sun, 17th Jan 2016 - 12:14 a.m.

Can I also suggest that anyone swimming on a Wednesday ensures they have fins, hand paddles, pull-buoys and a tempo trainer pro http://www.finisinc.com/Tempo-Trainer-Pro

These are available online for around £30, and will be a great benefit to your all-round swimming & especially pacing control.