Wadenhoe Run,Bike,Run Series.

The dates for this year's 4-race Wadenhoe Quadrathlon and Run,Bike,Run series are:

6th November (also Frostbite at Bushfield)4th December
15th January (also Frostbite at March)
5th February (also Frostbite at Bourne).

These are all off-road races with Mountain bikes and last between 1 hour and 1:30 hours.

The only one that doesn't clash with a Frostbite, is on 4th December, so this one will also incorporate the PACTRAC Run,bike,run Trophy, which will be awarded to the first PACTRACer in the Run,Bike,Run at Wadenhoe on 4th December. Note that the Trophy is for the run,bike,run and not for the accompanying Quadrathlon.