Opportunity for coaching

Thu, 2nd Jan 2014 - 9:04 p.m.

All I have space to coach on a one to one basis one member of PACTRAC free of charge. I normally charge for my coaching on a one to one basis, but I am offering for this season only to offer this to the Club.

I have space in my athletes portfolio to take on one extra and I thought it would be good for the Club and me to offer this opportunity.

To be successful in getting my services you will need to email me:
1. Your race plan for the 2014 season
2. Your past performances (last two years)
3. What you feel you will get out of the 2014 under my guidance
4. How much you are willing to put into training and racing (time)
5. Where you see yourself in triathlon in the future

I will offer to write you a weekly training plan (which you will need to complete and feedback) - subject to how much time you can put in.

You will have unlimited email contact with me and a weekly call (subject to me being at home - as I work abroad) talk through the weeks performance and review the following weeks plan.

Value wise this package is about £700 per year.

I am not bothered whether you are a younger athlete, older athlete, male or female, any distance athlete, or novice. Good luck everyone and I will announce the winner on the forum.

Closing date for this offer is the 12th January 2014

Thu, 2nd Jan 2014 - 9:06 p.m.

I just want to confirm:

You must be an active member of PACTRAC for this opportunity.


Fri, 3rd Jan 2014 - 4:04 p.m.

"Active". Somebody that does the Frostbite's then. How convenient that the next Frostbite is on 12th Jan!

This is a great opportunity Dave, and thanks for offering this.

It's something that I should do, but I have so many "social" training sessions in a week, that I don't have the time or energy for any more!

Tue, 4th Feb 2014 - 11:07 a.m.

and the winner is....

Thu, 6th Feb 2014 - 9:37 p.m.

Richard Pike....