PACTRAC Peterborough Duathlon - Sunday 31st March 2019.

Mon, 4th Mar 2019 - 12:15 p.m.

The PACTRAC Peterborough Duathlon will take place on Sunday 31st March 2019. It is again based around Castor Village Hall and School Playing Field. It is PACTRAC's only "open event" of the year and we regularly have over 80 PACTRACers in one place at the same time. Please volunteer to help. It is a great social occasion, with both Senior and Junior sections mixing together.


Please volunteer either on the Forum here, or to Please let me know if you would like the same job as last year, or would prefer something different.

This is our one Open Race of the year. Please support it. In the last four years, we have had 80 PACTRACers there, either racing, volunteering or spectating, and it has been a great social occasion for the club.

Thank you.



Organiser: ..... Steve Hope.
Starter x1.....Steve Hope.

Trade Stand x1......John Ovenden –
FenlandRunner sell Alphawoolf Running Shoes, SwimRunners and Dare2tri products; as well
as the new BORN products

BTF Referee x2.....Sam Fielding assisted by Louise Alexander.
First Aid x2..... Mick Fitzgerald and Doreen Cant.
Prize Presentation x2..... Steve Hope, John Ovenden.
Marshal Team Leader x1..... Sue McLeod.

Registration x3.....Georgina Jennings, Bek Trek, Sue Drake.
(Required from 7:00am to set up ready for Registration 7:30 – 8:40am. Check BTF cards, hand out envelopes and t-shirts and answer general queries. Also sale of PACTRAC Water Bottles/kit.)
Drinks Station x2 ..........Sarah McNair x3.
Medals x2 ...........Sarah McNair x4
Photographer for racing action shots and Prize Presentation.......Steve Wedley.
Signs x3 ..... Steve Hope, Jim Fell, Phil Lloyd.
Transition x4..Sue McLeod (>9:00am), Nicholas Partridge (<10:00am), Kate Armstrong(<10:00am), David.
Start Tape x2 .....Sam Fielding, Louise Alexander.

Results @ finish Line x3 (1 to take numbers, 1 to take times (on the Seiko), 1 back-up to take numbers in busy periods.)........Sue Drake, Dave Allsop, Barbara Gunn.

Canteen x3+..... (Also sale of PACTRAC Water Bottles >8:40am.) Beck Trek, Richard Jennings, Chloe Green.

Bike x11..... Phil Lloyd, John Judge, James MacWilliam, Paul(James MacWilliam's friend), Mark Turner, Ralph Stevens, Paul Jephcott, Paula Jephcott, Mr Parr, Iain Cushion, Harry (Hammond).

Run x13.....Terry Murphy, John Judge, Ken Popple, 2x McNair, Margaret Dobbins, James MacWilliam, Jeremy Thompson, Emily Boyd(x2), Paula Jephcott, Simon Lovell, Nicky Bailey(x2),

1 Run Marshal from Ferry Meadows (Run 1) to be Bike Marshal at Marholm - John Judge.
1 Run Marshal from Ferry Meadows (Run 1) to be Bike Marshal at Milton - Paula Jephcott.
1 Run Marshal from Ferry Meadows (Run 1) to be Bike Marshal at Helpston Heath - James MacWilliam.

School Gate x3....Georgina Jennings, Simon Lovell, Chelsey Bailey.

Draftbuster x2 ...........Sean Beard.

School Gate - Traffic Control x2.....Traffic Management.

Results Runner x1.....Lorna Hope.

Lead Bike x1 (on both runs – will need to be speedy up-hill)......Rob Head.
Dismantle Team x3..... Steve Hope, Lorna Hope, Georgina Jennings.

Car Park x2 (From 7:00 – 8:40am. Can then switch to another Marshalling Duty)....Emily Boyd, Richard Jennings.

Results Inputter. Lorna Hope.

Set-Up Team x3..... Steve Hope, Adrian Tasker, Paul.