Triathlon Plus Magazine need your favourite training route.

I have received the following email from Triathlon Plus Magazine. Very short notice, but can anybody help here. Please contact Mark Robinson direct. Thanks.

"I’m writing from Triathlon Plus Magazine, and was wondering whether you or one of your members might be able to help us with an article for our next issue.

Each month we have a section called ‘The Recce’, in which a member of the public tells us about their favourite place to train. It’s usually a particularly scenic local route that may be used for running or cycling, or even a stretch of water for swimming.

We would need about 250 words from one of your members describing the route (including directions) and why they think it’s so special. We would also need a high resolution photo of the route to go alongside the article, and a head shot of the person providing the copy. All this can be emailed to me.

It’s a great way for one of your members to feature in the mag and would give your club some valuable free publicity.

If you think you may be able to help then please email me or give me a call on the number below and we can discuss it further.

Ideally I’d need the copy by Monday of next week (9th May) as we go to press next week.

Kind regards


Mark Robinson
Staff Writer
Triathlon Plus Magazine
Future Publishing
30 Monmouth Street
Tel: 01225 442244 ext 2364
