Rob Hammond wins Wadenhoe Run,Bike,Run. Steve Giles wins overall Series. Roz Giles wins Quad AND R,B,R Series.

Inspite of Saturday night's snow which caused the Bourne Frostbite to
be cancelled, the Quadrathlon and Run,Bike,Run off-road races at
Wadenhoe, both still went ahead. Numbers were hugely reduced, mainly
due to driving conditions on the road, and those that did venture out,
were keen to get started. A nice thick layer of snow covered the
ground, and the athletes reported having a "fantastic time".

Rob Hammond won the final Run,Bike,Run race, whilst Steve Giles won the
overall series.

Roz Giles won the Ladies series in both the Quadrathlon and the Run,

Race 1. RBR

Name Run 1 Cycle Run 2 Total

1. Nathan Smith 12:43 34:03 13:20 = 1:00:06

3. Rob Hammond 12:49 38:14 13:36 = 1:04:39

6. Austin Smith 13:40 40:13 14:19 = 1:08:12

11. Naomi Brewer 15:07 49:37 16:07 = 1:20:51

14. Daniel Groom 15:14 52:43 17:33 = 1:25:30

Race 1. Quad run kayak bike run total

3 Roz Giles 14:48 35:40 37:37 07:42 = 1:35:47


Race 2. RBR

1. Steve Giles 12.22 33.31 12.49 = 58.42

4. Rob Hammond 12.41 38.04 13.05 = 63.50

8. Roz Giles 14.55 38.47 15.07 = 68.49

11. Daniel Groom 15.14 43.04 16.33 = 74.51

Race 2. Quad



Race 3. RBR

2. Steve Giles 12.31 33.39 12.59 = 59.09

7. Rob Hammond 13.17 37.16 13.20 = 63.53

12. Daniel Groom 15.21 39.45 17.03 = 72.09

16. Tom Brewer 14.48 43.47 16.41 = 75.16

17. Naomi Brewer 15.32 47.48 17.04 = 80.24

Race 3. Quad

2. Keith Read 13.34 29.02 40.05 7.54 = 1.30.35

3. Roz Giles 14.38 35.20 36.32 7.52 = 1.34.22


Race 4. RBR

1. Rob Hammond 14.03 50.01 14.38 = 1.18.42

5. Roz Giles 15.47 52.54 15.59 = 1.24.40

6. Tom Brewer 16.19 64.20 19.04 = 1.39.43

7. Naomi Brewer 16.26 66.48 18.03 = 1.41.17

Race 4. Quad

2. Steve Giles 13.18 33.53 43.34 7.09 = 1.37.54

3. Keith Read 13.57 28.04 48.28 8.15 = 1.38.44


Quadrathlon - Overall (2 events to count).

2. Keith Read - - 1:30:35 1:38:44 = 3:09:19 2nd Man. 1st >50.

3. Roz Giles 1:35:47 - 1:34:22 - = 3:10:09 1st Lady

. Steve Giles - - - 1:37:54

Run,Bike,Run - Overall (2 events to count).

Winter Run-Bike-Run 06/11/2011 04/12/2011 15/01/2012 05/02/2012

1. Steve Giles - 58:42 59:09 - = 1:57:51 1st Overall.

4. Rob Hammond 1:04:39 1:03:50 1:03:53 1:18:42 = 2:07:43 2nd MV40.

8. Daniel Groom 1:25:30 1:14:51 1:12:09 - = 2:27:00

11.Roz Giles - 1:08:49 - 1:24:40 = 2:33:29 1st Lady

13.Naomi Brewer 1:20:51 - 1:20:24 1:41:17 = 2:41:15 2nd lady

15.Tom Brewer - - 1:15:16 1:39:43 = 2:54:59

. Nathan Smith 1:00:06 - - -

. Austin Smith 1:08:12 - - -

9 PACTRACers took part in the Series. Only 3 competitors took part in
the final Quadrathlon, whilst just 8 were in the Run,Bike,Run. The snow
the previous evening put a lot of people off. Indeed the Frostbite at
Bourne was cancelled on the same day, which allowed 6 PACTRACers to
compete amongst the 11 competitor's. Rob Hammond took his first ever
victory in the Run,Bike,Run whilst Roz Giles was 1st lady home.

With 2 events to count in each race, and only 4 races, Roz Giles was
able to win both the Quadrathlon and Run,Bike,Run for the ladies
overall. Unfortunately, husband Steve, was ill for the first race, and,
therefore, concentrated on winning the Run,Bike,Run. Having won that,
he decided to have a go at the Quadrathlon in the last race. This is
the 2nd consecutive year that Steve has won the overall Run,Bike,Run

The 2nd race of the series was also the PACTRAC Off-Road Duathlon
Championship, which Steve Giles dually won, winning the race overall by
5 minutes from Rob Hammond. 3 of the 4 RBR races were won by
PACTRACers, namely Nathan Smith, Steve Giles and Rob Hammond.